Sunday, October 25, 2020

WWFD? What Would Fauci Do?

WWFD? What Would Fauci Do?

From the Trenches - # next

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Sadly, little has changed since my last blog in July but the rising death count and case load. Perhaps the disease is more real now, perhaps you know or know of someone succumbed to COVID-19.

America leads the world in COVID-19 deaths by many tens of thousands. If you think for one-minute that many of these deaths were not preventable - change your news channel - your information source is inaccurate. More Than 1,000 Current and Former CDC Officers Criticize U.S. Covid-19 Response. An open letter calls for the federal agency to play a more central role in addressing the pandemic. [1]

As we head into winter, flu season will be complicated by COVID-19. As the weather cools and people gather indoors, the risk of viral spread increases. We are already in, what has been named, “the fall surge.” Hospitalizations and cases are rising across the nation. We have not “turned the corner” by any stretch. The virus is surging - it is not disappearing.

Trump is right when he says people are sick of COVID-19. This is called COVID fatigue, we are tired of being apart, we want to hug our grandkids and gather at Thanksgiving - and we may give-in to our wants. The problem is, with 220,000+ dead Americans, COVID-19 is not sick of us. In fact, COVID-19 might just be warming up.

The intention of this blog is to give you the latest data on how to keep you and yours safe until we have the political will to come up with a national plan. Why a national plan? Because the nations who have successfully navigated COVID spread have done so with a unified, national strategy. With the resources of the nation being brought to bear on supply chains for PPE and testing materials, with case tracing and a plan for dealing with those infected and those exposed. 220,000+ American deaths clearly demonstrate that whatever plan this country is working is an ineffective one.

What have we learned since July?

  1. We’ve learned that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has been compromised by pressure from the White House. [2] The first obvious example occurred July 8th when Trump tweeted that CDC’s guideline for reopening schools were “too tough.” CDC capitulated and revised them. [3] July 8th was the first (though not the last) time that I logged onto CDC’s website to print their COVID-19 Guideline so I could track changes made in subservience to Trump and against the advice of career epidemiologists and public health experts.

Other examples of CDC compromise:

September 1st CDC announced: “If you have been in close contact (within 6 feet) of a person with a COVID-19 infection for at least 15 minutes but do not have symptoms, you do not necessarily need a test unless you are a vulnerable individual or your health care provider or State or local public health officials recommend you take one.” This was a head-scratcher and completely at odds with contact tracing (the bedrock of epidemic management) but consistent with a misguided theory that less testing equals less cases. California’s Gov. Newsom immediately announced that the state would not be downgrading its testing. CDC reversed this guideline on September 24th. [4]

2) We’ve learned that the this virus is aerosolized - like measles - this is a big deal. Aerosolization greatly contributes to ease of infection. Remember the Disneyland measles outbreak during the Christmas Holiday of 2014? 

CDC: Measles Outbreak - California, December 2014 - February 2015

As of February 11, a total of 125 measles cases with rash occurring during December 28, 2014–February 8, 2015, had been confirmed in U.S. residents connected with this outbreak. Of these, 110 patients were California residents. Thirty-nine (35%) of the California patients visited one or both of the two Disney theme parks during December 17–20, where they are thought to have been exposed to measles, 37 have an unknown exposure source (34%), and 34 (31%) are secondary cases. Among the 34 secondary cases, 26 were household or close contacts, and eight were exposed in a community setting. Five (5%) of the California patients reported being in one or both of the two Disney theme parks during their exposure period outside of December 17–20, but their source of infection is unknown. In addition, 15 cases linked to the two Disney theme parks have been reported in seven other states: Arizona (7), Colorado (1), Nebraska (1), Oregon (1), Utah (3), and Washington (2), as well as linked cases reported in two neighboring countries, Mexico (1) and Canada (10). [5]

We’ve heard similar COVID-19 stories: In June, a surprise birthday party in Texas resulted in 18 coronavirus cases. In July, a house party in Michigan led to 43 cases, and a family gathering in North Carolina led to 40 cases because the attendees "went about their daily lives" before they started showing symptoms. In some places, in-home gatherings are now responsible for the majority of new coronavirus cases. A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report showed how a chain of family gatherings in Chicago let to three deaths. [6] I think we’ve all heard about the wedding in Maine that resulted in multiple COVID cases and deaths of people not even in attendance.

Aerosolization is a big deal, micro viral particles can hang in the air and be inhaled by another. In another example of CDC flip-flops, CDC finally declared what has been evident (to the medical community) for months: COVID-19 is aerosolized to enable airborne transmission. They quickly reversed that declaration with a backflip, only to reverse the reverse with a running Round-off- Back Handspring-Back Tuck. It would be entertaining and laughable if it weren’t so tragic. We have never seen such a schizophrenic CDC and it is more than disheartening for health care workers (HCW) across the globe who have depended upon the guidance of CDC for decades.

What does aerosolization mean for our own safety? It means masks are helpful. They stop droplets and some aerosol. But if you spend 15 or more minutes in a confined space with an infected person (i.e. carpooling, flying, exam room, meal prep in the kitchen), a simple, cloth mask will not keep aerosolized virus out of your respiratory tract.

What about public transportation, flying or carpooling? Best practice would have everyone wearing an N95 mask (get them on Amazon, Home Depot) to contain your own droplets and aerosols. Keeping the windows open will disperse any escaped viral particles thereby reducing the build-up of virus to infectious levels. Avoid the instinct remove the mask to cough or sneeze. DO sneeze inside your mask, that is what its for. I’ve read of a plan to physically distance commuters and open the windows on commuter trains into NYC through the winter.

What if everyone has a negative COVID test? Technically that could work, however, the White House Rose Garden Super-Spreader event gives us a stellar example of when it did not. Twenty-eight people were infected at that event where every attendee had a negative test. If the people living in a biologic bubble can get infected… that ain’t you and that ain't us; don’t let your guard down.

Rule #1  for indoors and out - keep physically distanced from people not in your “quarantine pod”. No close contact (within 6 feet) to any person for greater than15 minutes., wash hands, wear a mask. Keep it outdoors if possible (the odds of contracting the virus are 20 times higher indoors). Keep indoor gatherings small and with people under 60 years.

If not the CDC? 

WWFD? = What would Fauci do? I am a fan of Dr. Fauci. He is not beholding to Trump, he cannot be fired by Trump, and he shrugs off the bullying. Yes, Dr. Fauci made some missteps - who didn’t? This IS the novel Coronavirus - a never-been-seen-before virus to which humans have no immunity. Do not get attached to a treatment plan or way of interacting with the virus. Good scientists will change their recommendations as we learn more and the data change. A man who can say, “I thought this, the data suggests that, we were wrong, the new plan of action is…” THIS is not ego driven but science driven; isn’t that what you want?

"Let's see if we could put this to rest once and for all," Fauci said. "Cloth (face) coverings work. If you look at the scientific data, the masks clearly work. I mean, they are part of a multifaceted approach of—masks, keeping distance, avoiding crowds, washing hands, doing things outdoors, much more than indoors. All of that is a combination of prevention modalities that are easy to do relatively speaking.” [7]

Follow the advice of Dr. Fauci and the World Health Organization. Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN seems to be pragmatic and sound. California’s state or local health department has good information. Beware information dispersed by any politician unless it closely follows that of the Health Department.

And one more thing: listen to epidemiologists and public health professionals. Shun the radiologist who plays a public health professional on TV. He might have slept at a Holiday Express but he’s still bogus.

Bill Gates: I’ve tackled every big new problem the same way, by starting off with two questions. Who has dealt with this problem well? And what can we learn from them?

Look for best practices from other countries.

Totally Under Control is a new 2-hour documentary (streaming on Hulu & Amazon Prime) tracks our COVID-19 response against that of South Korea. Both countries learned of their first case on the same day in January. Both national responses are chronicled at critical decision points, when S Korea went right and the US went awry. 

Research and follow best practices of other countries. i.e. Australia (905 deaths), New Zealand (25 deaths), S. Korea (457 deaths), Taiwan (7, yep, no typo, just 7 deaths). To be fair, these countries have a national strategy to protect their citizenry and national healthcare and electronic medical records that provide data in real time. The US could have that, we have the infrastructure, so far we lack the will. But we could personally follow the practices imposed by those countries.

Follow their example: universal mask wearing in public spaces, physical distancing from others, keep rooms well ventilated, avoid crowds, closed spaces with close contact, sanitize hands, cough into elbow, avoid touching your face. WHO instructs those with underlying conditions or over 60 to wear a medical/surgical mask. These practices are simple and the bedrock of interrupting the spread of any contagion.

Australia and other southern hemisphere countries had record low flu seasons. The physical distancing and other public health precautions put in place to combat COVID-19 quashed the flu season. It makes sense, flu is also a viral illness. The US could hope for the same but then, we would have to behave the same.

COVID-19 vs. cold and flu symptoms — Because the symptoms of COVID-19, a seasonal cold, and the flu have a lot of similarities, mild cases of COVID-19 may go undetected. Watch our video to learn more about the different symptoms for COVID-19, the flu, and a cold. [8]

The symptoms which are unique to COVID-19: shortness of breath, new loss of smell and taste, rash on hands and feet. Fever (over 100.5), shaking chills, headaches, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, muscle aches, and fatigue, are common to both COVID-19 and influenza. 

Colds come on gradually and the most common symptoms are a stuffy nose, sore throat, and sneezing. They sometimes also include a cough and fatigue. Fevers and headaches are rare.

All three infections are viral illnesses - we don’t use antibiotics for viral illnesses. We use Tylenol for fevers, Robitussin for cough, Cepacol and salt water gargles for sore throat, inhalers for wheezing, etc. Even for COVID-19; its a virus.

If you have symptoms, contact your doctor. Many doctor offices do not have PPE (personal protective equipment) so we do not necessarily want you in our office. We will try to treat you over the phone or by video visit. We will send you to the Emergency Department for shortness of breath - where staff are properly protected and chest X-rays and blood oxygen saturation can be assessed.

What about the Holidays?

WWFD? Dr. Fauci's Tips for Celebrating the Holidays in a Safe Way During the Coronavirus Pandemic

1. Go small-scale or go virtual.

"Be very careful and prudent about social gatherings, particularly when members of the family might be at a risk because of their age or underlying condition," Fauci told CBS Evening News. "You may have to bite the bullet and sacrifice the social gathering unless you're pretty certain that the people that you're dealing with are not infected ... either they've been very recently tested or they're living a lifestyle in which they don't have an interaction with anyone but you and your family." As he explained this, Dr. Fauci pointed to his relationship with his wife, Dr. Christine Grady. The duo only socializes with each other and no one else.

2. Don't assume that just because you feel OK you are OK.

While explaining this on CBS Evening News, Fauci referred to nationwide observation reports from his fellow coronavirus task force member, Dr. Deborah Birx. Those reports discovered that family members are spreading the coronavirus to each other more often than at the beginning of the pandemic.

"Household transmission is assuming a greater element of the transmissibility," Fauci said. And since researchers are learning that about 1 in 5 people who become infected with the coronavirus are asymptomatic, it can be a big challenge to know if you might be at risk for spreading the virus to someone who may experience more severe symptoms or complications. (Say, someone with any of these high-risk medical conditions pointed out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

3. Travel early.

If you do decide to gather in person, follow the CDC's safer holiday travel tips: Drive and don't stop along the way (What about bathrooms? See below); then, after arriving, quarantine at a separate dwelling (such as a no-contact Airbnb) for at least five days (the median time it takes to test positive). Then get tested before gathering with your family.

4. Keep things small.

"When people do things in crowds without masks—particularly indoors—it's just asking for trouble. We know without a doubt that those are the events that have spreading among people. It isn't as if we haven't been there before. We know that's trouble. It just seems obvious you've got to avoid that," Fauci said in the interview with CBS Evening News.

(Check out one poignant example of this in our story about a coronavirus survivor who spoke out after hosting a gathering that infected 14 and killed 2 family members.) So only invite a small crew that can stay safely spaced at least 6 feet apart in the event of any congregating.

5. Speaking of masks, wear one with anyone outside of your household—even relatives.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Fauci wasn't a huge proponent of masks, fearing that there might be a shortage for health care workers. But just one month later, Fauci reversed his stance, once he learned that masks—even the cloth face masks you can buy or make—help prevent infection.

"When you find out you're wrong, it's a manifestation of your honesty to say, 'Hey, I was wrong. I did subsequent experiments and now it's this way,'" Fauci said during a 60 Minutes segment that aired on October 18. So in case you're looking for his final answer, it's wear a mask—even with your family—each and every time you're sharing space with anyone outside of your household and especially anytime you're inside. (That is, when you're not eating or drinking.)

While not seeing family might feel like a tough pill to swallow, those are some sage doctor's orders as turkey time inches closer and closer. [9]

What about bathrooms; both public and private? 

Public bathrooms continue to pose a problem. [10] Ever heard of toilet plume? Aerosolized viral particles can hang in the air of an enclosed bathroom. Scroll to my previous blog dated July 12th to the paragraph: What about bathrooms; both public and private? 

Lastly, remember the 3 W’s:  Watch your distance, Wear a mask when you can’t watch your distance, and Wash your hands.

e malama he pa waiho ai = keep safe








[7] On CNN’s Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter 9/27/2020

[8] Kaiser Permanente




Sunday, July 12, 2020

You ARE Your Brother’s Keeper - From the Trenches #5 

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America’s First! First in COVID cases (3,000,000+); first in COVID fatalities (133,000+). Let’s just be with that for a moment.

The graph below is a comparison of new cases per million - which we OWN baby! If this does not horrify …I pray I am never indifferent to… never able to justify the damaged and lost lives represented by this graph. 

Prof. Michael Osterholm Univ of Minnesota, Director of the Center of Infectious Disease says the US COVID-19 catastrophe “is a raging forest fire looking for human wood.” Kindling made in America.
Perhaps the bigger message, also clearly demonstrated, is that there IS a path to living better with COVID-19 - and we’re not on it. 

How do we differ from other countries? They employed centralized leadership with a strategic plan guided by science: lockdown, physical distancing, masking, hand washing, reopening once case levels were low with robust testing and tracing. In the US, a strategic plan guided by science would have the CDC running the show with federal and state policies reflecting their guidelines. Want to see what a US national response could have looked like? Read them and weep: 
First, How to Read Obama’s Pandemic Playbook

We’re STILL not following the Playbook (though it is never too late to start) and without centralized leadership, every state is on their own. And while states have capable people, one state medical director lamented, “The experts are at the CDC” - who seem to be muzzled. 
In the absence of national leadership; remember the admonition in my last blog? Listen to experts like Dr. Fauci. Listen to experts in virology, epidemiology, and public health. Listen to your local politicians only if they are clearly guided by science. If your Governor is touting something at odds with Dr. Fauci, I’d pick Fauci over e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e just now.

“The reality is that the virus is not under control; it is IN control.”
So here we are - at starts and stops - as I predicted last month. We have added 1,000,000 new cases and 40,000 fatalities. What now?
Contract! Pull in! Slow down! Just because the gym is open does not mean you need to be there. Just because air fares are cheap does not mean you need a ticket.

What have we learned in the last month? We’ve learned that the US COVID-19 mortality rate is 4.2% versus 0.1% for the flu. This is no flu. We’ve learned that systemic inflammation called leukotriene storm causes multi-organ disruption and failure leading to death. We’ve learned that an old and cheap steroid called Dexamethasone is helpful. We learned Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug touted like snake oil as a prophylactic and cure - is harmful. We’ve confirmed that COVID-19 is mostly spread through the respiratory tract and less so by touching infected surfaces. We’ve learned that peak infectiousness (highest quantity and virulence) occurs in the pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic period and accounts for 50% of viral transmissions. Which is why masks and physical distance are effective in crushing the curve, as demonstrated by the EU, Scandinavia, S. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and New Zealand, just to name a few. We’ve confirmed that indoor gatherings, no matter how well intentioned, can be the spawn of death. We’ve learned that the PR number is important but that Joe Public does not know how to interpret the data. We’ve learned that safe re-opening cannot be done “my way”. Remembering that we are in this together; MAYBE we’ve learned that reopening must be done “our way” - with each of us being responsible for all of us - as again demonstrated so aptly by countries who have done so.

The CDC: - On June 25th, the CDC updated its list of specific conditions that increase a person’s risk of severe COVID-19 illness: advanced age (65 and over), COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CKD (chronic kidney disease), obesity (BMI >30), immunocompromised state, serious cardiac diseases (i.e. coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, heart failure), sickle cell disease, and uncontrolled diabetes. Combine any of these with common diseases like high blood pressure, over weight (BMI 25-30) or asthma and the risk for severe illness with COVID-19 infection increases exponentially.
What does this mean? It means if people wish to avoid contracting and transmitting COVID-19, for which there is no natural immunity and no vaccine, they will have to diligently practice physical distancing, masking in public, meticulous hand washing, avoid gatherings of more than 10 people FOR THE NEXT YEAR OR SO. Until “All Clear” is proclaimed from the rooftops by Dr. Fauci or his emissary.
Review the CDC guideline links to recommendations regarding gatherings, public bathrooms, restaurants, schools, etc. See the latest recommendations on how to comport one’s self during a pandemic.
Speaking of schools, I’m heartened to see the CDC hold their ground on recommended guidelines for reopening schools. Were I a parent, I would make a copy of their current and recently released school guidelines (~ 17 pages), in case they buckle to Presidential pressure and tweet-storm and weaken their guidelines. I’d kinda want to know; wouldn’t you?

Lets talk about testing. We ARE testing more. Is that why we detect more cases? Of course, but that is only half the story. Epidemiologists watch the PR = positivity rate. That is the ratio of positive tests against total number of tests expressed as a percentage of positive tests. This graph from Propublica demonstrates the rolling positivity rate (PR) of Arizona vs New York. The number of actual tests are rising in both locales but so is the PR in AZ; meaning more tests are positive. Conversely, the number of tests are also rising in New York but the PR is falling. The PR is how we know that we are not seeing more positive COVID-19 cases just because we have more tests. 

A PR of 30% is an unmitigated disaster. We see this kind of exponential PR increase in hotspots across the US. Experts say wide spread infection can only be stopped by reversing course and shutting down hotspots once again. Recall that China quarantined another major city in May. 
We can’t test our way out of this mess. Testing works once the numbers of infected people are low and the contacts of each new case can be traced. Testing is a useful tool only if resulted in 1-2 days. 
The current California PR = 6.8%. With the recent flare of cases in Sacramento, we are booking testing appointments a week out with another 3-4 days for results. (Quest has been taking 11 days to result tests. Making testing useless.) Part of this delay is secondary to a lack of testing and developing supplies. Additionally, the government could activate more labs, like veterinary labs, as was done in Europe.
Ask yourself, why are we 5 months into a pandemic and we still can’t get a q-tip?! Why can’t I get an N-95 mask for seeing patients? If you’re upset about that - write your Senator, Senate Leader McConnell, and your President. There is no jumpstarting an economy, no getting kids back to school and parents back to work when well people have to quarantine at home for 2-weeks waiting for a test and results.
Does anyone still think this is a hoax? Helluva hoax!

Obviously, testing is only part of the equation. Many Americans are behaving badly. What do we do? “There is no single method for protection,” Prof. Osterholm says, "Distancing is huge, distance, distance, and distance. That only occurs when people are not congregating altogether.” 

Yes, we’ve had conflicting messages from the start. Remember this is called the novel coronavirus. The key word here is NOVEL = NEW. We knew and know very little about this virus and we are still learning. Be open to changing instructions. Remember when we thought smoking improved ones health, cars did not have seat belts, and driving drunk was not unlawful? Refusing to wear a mask is like driving drunk. We will get to smoking later but the point is, new information does point to overwhelming respiratory spread. Protect your respiratory system.
But I thought a mask doesn’t protect me; it protects others? Evidence continues to point strongly to spread by respiratory droplet. A mask will slow droplet spread. It will slow inhalation of droplets and it will contain the spread of exhaled droplets. 

There is a plethora of data including caged mice infected with corona virus adjacent to a cage of healthy mice separated only by the thin barrier of mask fabric. Look East to the very low infection rates in densely populated cities like Hong Kong, Taipei, and Singapore. Masks are a big part of their successful strategies. 
“Researchers at Florida Atlantic University, in a study published (clic “published” here to jump to best DIY masks) in the journal Physics of Fluids on June 30th, found that bandanas reduced the average distance that coughs traveled from 8 feet to 3.6 feet. A folded handkerchief took that distance down to 1.25 feet. Commercial cone masks reduced the distance to 8 inches, and a two-layer, stitched mask to 2.5 inches.”
A picture is worth a thousand words - watch this CNN video clip with Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Jake Tapper. The graphics show all you need to know about “why mask”.

WE are in a pandemic. Wearing a mask is a tool to keep people safe, to slow the curve, to prevent deaths. Nothing more. A mask is not a political tool or statement. A mask can help slow the spread of a deadly virus for which there is no natural immunity, no vaccine, and no cure. In this, you truly are your brother’s keeper.
A mask is not a muzzle. A mask is not an impingement on personal freedoms. My snarky brain hisses, the dead have no freedoms. If you honor the sanctity of life - wear a mask. If you are pro-life and/or (because amazingly, these two do not automatically coincide) anti-death penalty, wearing a mask is consistent with this belief. If you believe Black Lives Matter or that All Lives Matter, wearing a mask is consistent with this belief. Every religion charges its followers with caring for others; wearing a mask is consistent with all religious beliefs. Ask yourself - WWJD? Darwin would wear a mask. 
I’m healthy; I won’t get it and if I do - I’ll survive. …And you might - do not assume those you might unknowingly infect - will. Let me repeat: in this, you truly are your brother’s keeper.

Follow the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s guiding voice during the pandemic. He seems to have been recently un-muzzled - and he has a lot to say. Follow him.
Want to know what Dr. Fauci and other experts view as permissible behavior in a pandemic? From airplanes to grocery stores and groceries to gyms to house guests to routine doctor visits, read the WaPo article below. How experts are dealing with Covid-19 risk in their own lives:

What about bathrooms; both public and private? 
Ever heard of toilet plume? Like the vapor cloud around ones mouth when speaking (recently named mouth rain), it is the spray that occurs when a toilet is flushed. You might remember around 2000 when toilets got their wings and began flushing with great gusto like airplane toilets. (You would never flush an airplane toilet without closing the lid; would you?) It was found that great-gusto flushing aerosolized bacteria from the toilet into the air and it wasn’t long before great-gusto toilets were de-gusted. During the drought, we went to low-flow toilets and gustatory toilets became less prevalent. Nonetheless - toilet plume is a known problem though there are no known cases of COVID-19 from said contact.
Home toilets have lids. Close the lid before flushing.
What about public toilets? They typically do not have lids. Wear a mask - that’s the most important thing. If you can, do all your business, including hand washing, then flush just before exiting.
What about automatically flushing toilets? If possible, take a deep breath before standing, wash your hands and exit - pronto.
What about one-holers vs multi-holers (meaning single vs multi-toilet bathrooms)? Believe it or not, in this case, a multi-holer might be safer because they occupy a larger footprint with more airflow for improved viral dispersion into the air and the time allotted for droplets to go-to-ground. One-holer (private) bathrooms are smaller spaces with less air circulation and thereby decreased viral dispersion. Concentrations of viral particles can build in small, enclosed spaces (hence the new discussion of viral aerosolization, which will be mentioned briefly below). If possible, let the bathroom stand vacant for 1-minute before entering. In my own workplace, theoretically it is safer to use the public bathroom than the private ones for staff. Public restrooms and toilet plume:

Want more information on viral dispersion? Read the paragraph called Outside versus Inside in my previous blog.

What about using another’s home toilet? Here are the rules we have established for our outdoor, 4-person, ukulele rehearsals. Wear a mask, sanitize hands before entering the home, use bathroom, wash hands, close lid and flush, return to the outside lanai without touching anything inside the home. Easy-peasy. 

We are going to be doing this for a while. Get schooled and get good.

MODIFIABLE RISK FACTORS: we call them modifiable because you can actually modify your lifestyle and impact your risk factors.
Recently, doctors caring for hospitalized COVID-19 patients are successfully treating them with steroids = powerful anit-inflammatory medications. In retrospective, observational studies, looking back on fatalities in New York City and the UK, people with pro-inflammatory (inflammatory causing) diseases like diabetes and being overweight had worse outcomes of critical illness or death. Smoking and vaping also causes inflammation in the lungs. 
What can you do to lower inflammation? Stop smoking or vaping. Lose weight. Get diabetes under control (A1c<7.0). While your working on that consider an anti-inflammatory diet - start with reducing meat intake. Meat = anything that had a mother, a father, and face. Meat includes: fish, pork, beef, poultry, wild game, reptiles, amphibians, in short, any animal. I encourage patients to start with meatless Mondays and grow that to 3-4 days/week. A vegan diet is highly anti-inflammatory.

Finding ways to improve health:
Stop smoking and/or vaping: Get help, get patches, pills, gum, support, and get smoke-free. I tell my patients - to stop smoking is the single, fastest change you can make to improve your health. There is no better time - and your life may depend on it.
Lose weight: with over 66% of American adults deemed medically overweight or obese, contracting COVID-19 could lead to dire consequence.
Being overweight is the second biggest risk factor for serious illness, behind age. Overweight causes systemic inflammation and hypoventilation (decreased oxygenation of body tissues). The connection between weight and increased risk of severe or fatal infection with flu-like viruses, was first identified during the 2009 swine flu pandemic, which killed 284,000 worldwide.
Weight is rated according to body mass index (BMI) — a BMI under 25 is considered ‘healthy’ while 25-29 is classed as ‘overweight’ and 30 plus is ‘obese’. (Find your BMI on Google. Of note: the Asian BMI scale is significantly lower than the common, Caucasian BMI scale. Anyone of Asian continent descent should be aware and beware.) U.S. research published last year also found vaccines are less effective in overweight people.

Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC) data has shown three-quarters (75%) of critically ill UK COVID-19 patients were overweight or obese.
Similarly, a study of 4,103 seriously ill COVID-19 patients by New York University, showed while age is the biggest, single risk factor for serious illness, obesity is a close second. 

If it were easy - you woulda done it. Losing weigh is obviously easier said than done. Get help and find support. Choose among a myriad of online tools. Your healthcare system assuredly offers a selection.
Get diabetes and hypertension under control. Weight loss can drive both diseases into remission but in the meantime - work with your doctor. This is not a time to cut yourself slack and give in to stress eating or reason du-jour. If ever there was a time; this is it. This is the time to take on the challenge and possibility of a healthy body - like your life depends on it - because it may.

Do I need to stay indoors? No - going outside good. My ex-mother-in-law thought she was trapped indoors and missed a month of walking. Walking is good; just give passing people a wide berth. Ride your bike. My yoga studio is offering online classes. Yoga on my lanai no ka oi (da bes)! Keeping yourself healthy, both mentally and physically, keeps your immune system strong. Get some exercise!

Want to support your favorite restaurant and see your friends? I meet my bestie for lunch in a park, where we sit at opposite corners of an 8-foot picnic table, eating take-out from our favorite haunt. A beer with the neighbors? Outside, in appropriately spaced lawn chairs works.
Any activity that you might want to engage in will be infinitely safer if you move it outside. A Japanese study says 20 times safer.
WHO (World Health Org) just announced the possibility of aerosol spread. What is that? Aerosols are tiny bits of virus that hang in the air. Do you remember the measles outbreak a few years ago? Every case was traced back to a particular weekend at Disneyland. (That was testing and tracing at its best.) Measles can hang in the air …making it highly contagious in those long, snaking, indoor queues (think Pirates of the Caribbean). Aerosol infection is why researchers think choral singing (inside) has resulted in many infections while protesting outside has not.

There is no economic recovery if our workforce cycles in and out of illness and workplaces become incubators for disease. There is no paying my mortgage if I get sick. There is no retirement in 9-months if I die. Lets get serious people!
This will take mental toughness, emotional intelligence, and emotional discipline. This will require physical discipline. Many economists are predicting global recession if not depression - so this may require economic discipline as well.

This just might be a defining moment, a sentinel moment for the USA. Look again at my opening graphic. The US is number 1, but this time it is nothing to crow about. We are not recovering, we have not even turned the corner. And no other nation is following our lead - which means, if we want their results, we must follow their lead. If as a nation, we continue to behave like wild-west cowboys, then we who lack the yahoo-gene will be required to be even more vigilant and more careful.

One last thing, here’s one for the team because most of my colleagues are far too polite to say anything like this. Dr. Daniel Summers, MD tweeted this and he speaks for many, “No amount of clapping or cheering or calling healthcare workers heroes meant a damn thing if you undo all our work with your shi__y, irresponsible behavior now.” Touché!
Additionally, we can’t take care of you if too many of us get sick.
To a large degree, my health & life depends on my savvy and the health of my coworkers, my friends, and my family. Our actions reflect our commitments. I have a commitment to myself and my community - to keep us well. What’s yours?

2 Washington Post, 7/3/2020
3 Johns Hopkins Univ
4 Yale Alison Galvani, PhD
5 Face mask construction, materials matter
PUBLISHED: 17:08 EDT, 20 April 2020 | UPDATED: 03:08 EDT, 21 April 2020

How to Read Obama’s Pandemic Playbook